Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Hannah Meltzer

Happy birthday, Hannah!

Very much enjoyed reading of the pie incident. I would have done the same.

"Aggressively French" is a great saying.

For a moment, I totally thought the picture behind the honey man was actually the backdrop.

"the longer I don’t write it, the more shame I feel about being late to write it, and then when I think about writing it I think not about the writing, but the accumulating pile of shame." -- don't worry, I feel *exactly* the same with my own writing of late!

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Happy Birthday!!!! This letter was worth the wait!!“

One friend described the location as ‘aggressively French’.” Great description! LOL!!!

The waterside restaurant, a long and low building with red awnings, traditional red-and-white chequered tablecloths and a huge, slightly disconcerting, cutout of a chef on the roof…

LOve the Big Chef!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ITiwSl00L0T7kVWeJKpNPMECnE3h2JP/view?usp=sharing

“Non madame !,” she interjected, “you will get the strawberry tart. You will see — it is une tuerie” (killer/ a killing).” Soooooo funny!!!

“Oh, it’s you that made this CARNAGE!?” EVEN FUNNIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Les Halles” Le Ventre de Paris

“Happy honey man. NB: His backdrop of the sea is a poster, but the nearby sea does actually look like this” Nota Bene! Well played, Hannah!! That makes a corner office overlooking Central Park look pitiful. Simply magnificent!

“If that’s not happiness, then it certainly looks a lot like it” I might paraphrase a line from the movie, “His Girl Friday”: “If that’s not happiness, it’ll do until happiness comes along.”

“You should apparently spray perfume on the backs of your knees to leave a fragrant wake(!), and…” WOW!! That woke up the ghosts!

I remember the PenFriend letter where you 1st mentioned rentrée!

Your sketches in this are wonderful and some of your best!!

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