Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023Liked by Hannah Meltzer

"Balcony Garden" congers such a beautiful picture in the mind!

"To Have One's English" is such a great phrase! Descriptive and insulting at the same time!

It makes exact sense when you think about a woman bemoaning the fact that "The English Have Arrived!" I can hear a French coquet saying "I am heading to the shore and of course I'm on my English!"

The mother of my first girlfriend used to call having your period "Payday" because that's when the streetwalkers got paid!

I often know, in the pit of my stomach, from the first complimentary few words that I am in for a rejection letter. I think it's revenge on me for overusing the term "It's not you, it's me," to end relationships.

I must say I do like the way the English write a rejection email. "It's simply because the footprint won't allow it!"

"The Stone of Destiny!" Right out of Monty Python! You have to cross over The Bridge of Death to get to the Stone of Destiny! https://youtu.be/VvSO5KEnaVE

OMG in Prince Charles's case Destiny sure took its time! Maybe he'd have been better off with a Scone of Destiny!

Hannah your paintings are terrific as usual but you even managed to make the rag-tag bunch who moved the Stone of Destiny look fashionable!

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May 1, 2023Liked by Hannah Meltzer

The Stone of Destiny is the most generic fantasy book-sounding noun-of-nouns object! Amazing. How had I never heard of it either?

Great artwork and caption 🤣

Also, I am going to risk saying to my wife "to have one’s Englishes" at some point. Possibly. We'll see...

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Haha! It could not be made up

and I quite like 'I have my Englishes' -- may adopt it from now on.

Your postcard is on its way (for real this time), I hope you get it before too long!

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May 1, 2023Liked by Hannah Meltzer

Yay, thanks Hannah. I'll let you know when it arrives.

PS still want to read more on those Québécois slang terms ;)

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Yes, haven’t forgotten! I got distracted by Les anglais

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Hehe. I forgot to say that even as someone also from England and used to our deliberate side-stepping of meaning for worry of offending, I found the letter about media access hilarious in its tiptoeing around the refusal of access.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Hannah Meltzer

My dad was Scottish and so I did know about the stone of Scone! Did you know it’s not pronounced scone like the cake but skoon.

We’ve just bought new geraniums for our balcony, unlike my neighbours across the way, I always forget to care for them in winter and kill half of them off!

Really hoping the weather gets consistently nice soon!

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Thank you foe your comment :) Amazing! I did know about the pronunciation only as of yesterday because my Uncle told me. Would be amazing if it was pronounced the same as the cake, and bon courage pour les fleurs !

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