I adored it, it really showcased Paris and the horse on the Seine was magical. I wish I could see the flame in real life it just looks amazing.

The only bit I wasn’t keen on was the motorboat back up the Seine with the flame - thought Serena Williams was going to be sick!

I would love to read some background on the women who were featured as statues emerging from the Seine.

Also shout out to Keir Stammer stoically sitting in his blue anorak - best photo of the night!

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This is a really good analysis. I absolutely loved it too, but didn't care for the Philippe Katerine tableau that much. Not that I took offense whatsoever, I just felt it didn't really work that well. And wouldn't you know it that THAT piece would be the one to cause so much uproar.

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Thanks for this! Though I normally scorn such extravaganzas I thought the Paris opening ceremony was a triumph, but of course I would because my maternal family is French :) I was working and so only saw parts of the ceremonies however I found reasons to keep wandering past the television; I missed liberté entirely, but caught large parts of égalité, and fraternité and then was summoned back when I heard Céline singing Piaf. It was exactly how it should have been, lots of smiles!

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❤️ Well said x

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Sorry for the length, but I was inspired by a great writer:

“Ah ! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira ! Les aristocrates on les pendra.”

OH MY!! Those lyrics are soooo perfect!! I was a union activist for years and when we were in the middle of a strike, and our members were naturally getting panicky, I paraphrased that in English and I said, “It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine, we’ll hang the lab managers!” Gallows humor! Then I played Men of Harlech on my portable tape recorder and that fired them up, even though they had no idea where that song came from!! LOL!!!

“I would go to the ends of the Earth / I would dye my hair blonde/ If you asked me to..”

LOve it!! That’s the ultimate proof of love!!

“...People quickly suggested it looked like a crude pastiche of the Last Supper. Jolly denies that this was the intention.”

Even if it WAS intended to be a put-on of the Last Supper painting the purpose of inclusion was Christ’s calling, wasn’t it?? Jesus loved the pastiche and He loves the LGBTQ community!!

“..it was very French in that the ambition was almost impossible.”

I’m jealous and in despair! I have NEVER made such a poetic and accurate observation in my life! Your father should be on the top step of the winner’s platform. Gold medal prose!

“100-year-old Olympian Charles Coste hands the flame to final torch-bearers Marie-José Pérec et Teddy Riner”

That sketching was so moving! All glory to Charles Coste!

“There were so many interesting women represented there, including Louise Michel, the ‘communard’ revolutionary who fought for an end to child labour and for rights for women and ethnic minorities; and Simone Veil who survived the Holocaust as a child and went on to legislate for French women’s right to abortion.”

Please do write about those courageous heroes.

“I also loved all the Marie-Antoinette madness, the part where an army of beheaded Marie-Antoinettes appeared at the windows of the conciergerie, where the ill-fated Austrian queen was ACTUALLY imprisoned…”

How imaginative; and bold in its salute to the poor young woman who was a prisoner to her privilege and was resigned to her fate.

“On Friday, not only did the superstar sing, she was also accompanied by the Republican Guard, a ceremonial branch of the gendarmerie, comparable to the King’s Guard in the UK.”

Nakamura AND the Republican Guard signaled a new day in France. It won’t be easy; nothing ever is in France, but it’s a great watershed event!!

“The eccentric poetic armada was prepared and rehearsed in secret for two years, under the artistic direction of youthful theatre director Thomas Jolly…”

Talk about a watershed event! That armada will never be topped! It matched the excellence of each country's teams!

“Thanks to a press invitation, I was able to attend the ceremony on the banks of the Seine, seated diagonally across the river from the Eiffel Tower, in front of the Palais de Tokyo.”

That gives me vicarious chills!!!!!! Unimaginable!!

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Hannah if I could give you a thousand hearts for this pen pal newsletter I would. This letter should be put in the archives of the Louvre. The letter itself took my breath away the same as the Olympic ceremony you touched on so many things I cannot comment on them now I don't have the time but I am going to write a comment taking note of every wonderful thing that you so eloquently wrote, including those marvelous sketches! Hannah all of France should be proud of you and all of England too! I will share this though it is too good for all of us great unwashed in the United States! We do not understand culture; great culture.

The one thing that I have to mention now is the fact that Nakamura sang and played such a feature role; that was a stick in the eye to nationalism. Thank you!!

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